Innovative and sustainable PRODUCTS for environmental application

Development of innovative and sustainable materials through the use of proprietary or third-party technologies, and the consequent protection of intellectual property and the related transfer to producers and distributors also through licensing or transfer agreements; the granting of intellectual property rights on the domestic and foreign market.

Labec, Metodo per produrre un addotto poroso per l'adsorbimento di sostanze inquinanti in terreni contaminati, addotto poroso, composizioni comprendenti l'addotto poroso e relativi usi. Brevetto Italiano N°1102020000028049 (2020)

PRODUCTS: Sustainable forniture for construction sector

Sustainable Lamps

Sustainable Electrical switch plates/cover

Products produced by using 3d-Printing technology (FDM technique) and bio-based filament (PLA)

PRODUCTS sustainable packaging

Product added to compare.

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